More than six years ago, I started a blog. Sort of. I named it 'Joost Lult Wel', and the idea was to set up a place where people would only find images - the site's tagline since then is: 'Hey you! I'm Joost. In real life I talk a lot, and as of a compensation - here's something to look at.'
Since 2009, over 2.000 people regularly check the website for a quick fix of inspirational visuals. The lion's share of those visuals aren't made by me - you can see it as my visual selection of the interwebs as a whole. I sometimes forget to queue pictures, but just now I've posted a whole bunch you can check out at
Work: an evening on privacy for 'De Correspondent'
Recently, I have directed an evening about privacy for Dutch online journalism platform 'De Correspondent'. Speakers, writers, politicians and hackers talked and debated in front of a packed Stadsschouwburg in Utrecht, on one of the biggest issues of our time: privacy. It turns out you do have to hide something, so that's also the title of the book Dimitri Tokmetzis and Maurits Martijn (both journalists for De Correspondent) launched on the same evening. To see and read more about the evening and/or the book 'Je hebt wél iets te verbergen', click here & here!
Pictures by photographer Bas Losekoot.
Featured by VSCO
I'm honored indeed! The people from VSCO featured two of my photos on their 'collection' page. Pretty cool, because I love their app 'VSCO Cam' (even though I'm not a big fan of its latest update).
Would you like to see some more features, assignments and collaborations? Check out the 'Features' page.
Collaboration with Huawei
In Collaboration with influencer agency First, I'm teaming up with Huawei to test their newest P9 phone. The deal: I'll take some pictures with the phone and give my honest review through my Instagram channel. Check out the results on my Instagram page or on their account.
Interview on 'Starring Amsterdam'
Bastiaan Sizoo, one of the illustrious Sizoo brothers, interviewed me for his brand new blog 'Amsterdamview'. Though this was his first interview ever, he wrote a nice piece on 'Starring Amsterdam', the photo book that MENDO recently published. I was responsible for the texts in the book, and Bastiaan wanted to know some more about the photographers and how I came up with 250 pages of 'nice to know / need to know'-texts. You can read the interview here!
'First' interviewed me for their monthly newsletter
The people from First, an Amsterdam-based 'Influencer Marketing Agency', featured me on the monthly newsletter they send out to their clients. In a small interview, they've asked me some questions about working together with brands as a so-called "upcoming Instagram-influencer".
Check out the article on their Medium page (Dutch)!
Next trip: planned!
After a cold winter trip to Iceland, after exploring the chaotic streets of India and after visiting Bulgaria for a wedding weekend, I know where the next trip will take me: West Africa! Together with Saskia, I will visit Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal - so if you read this and you know some good places to go, sleep, drink and / or eat, let us know! You can find my email address here.
'Depart' is almost finished!
Over the last couple of months, I've spent a lot of evenings and weekend days with working on some very cool photo books. The guys from MENDO, a renowned book shop in Amsterdam, are initiating and designing books, all published by TERRA Lannoo. I have worked on 'Starring Amsterdam', a photo book filled with pictures two photo journalists took of celebrities in Amsterdam during the roaring sixties and seventies, I wrote two forewords for a photo book of acclaimed photographer Carli Hermès and I have written every word in the soon to be finished photo book 'Depart', which features 25 Insta-famous photographers from all over the world. If you'd like to know more about the books mentioned above, check out the 'Books' section on this website. Oh, and you'll also find a link to MENDO's webshop. Pre-order time! (;
The 10 Best Instagrammers of Amsterdam
Everybody loves lists. And I especially love them if they feature me as the number one Instagram photographer of Amsterdam, like the Dutch newspaper Het Parool did (sorry for bragging) some time back. Luckily, I wasn't on their 'Biggest Photo Cliché's of Amsterdam'-list.
Pictures from India
Although I didn't really switch jobs, I did exchange employers on the first of July, 2016. After six years of working at BNNVARA, I'm now on the payroll of the Nederlandse Publieke Omroep (NPO). I still had some BNNVARA vacation days left that I couldn't take with me to the NPO, so I decided to plan a trip to India. A very short trip, because I was only there for seven days.
During that intense trip to New Delhi, Agra and Jaipur I took a lot of pictures - a selection of them can be seen on my Instagram profile. Kerol Izwan from the Malaysian magazine Musotrees and Suleyman Azhari from the American website Dion Ys Us liked my pictures so much that they wanted to share them with their audiences. I took over the Musotrees Instagram account for a couple of days, and a selection of the pictures I took in India will be online on the Dion Ys Us website soon. Check it out!
NRC Handelsblad: "Humans of Egmond aan Zee"
National Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad featured my Instagram account on their Media pages. Read the flattering words below (in Dutch, sorry!), or on their website.
"Liefhebbers van het fotoproject Humans of New York van Brandon Stanton, doen er goed aan eens een kijkje te nemen op het Instagram-account van Joost Bastmeijer. De blogger, journalist en fotograaf is een van de Nederlandse parels op het sociale medium. Hij portretteert mensen, gebouwen en stillevens in plekken als Egmond aan Zee, New York of het Palestijnse Nablus. Zijn stijl kenmerkt zich door confronterende en soms dwarse composities. Aangevuld met Humans of New York-achtige teksten maken volgers intiem kennis met de hoofdpersonen en de plekken die de fotograaf bezoekt. Deze aanpak leverde Bastmeijer op Instagram al bijna 21.000 volgers op. Op Twitter heeft hij er iets minder (bijna drieduizend) en houdt hij zich vooral bezig met muziek, games en journalistieke vernieuwingen. Als journalist bij Radio 1 krijgen volgers ook regelmatig kijkjes achter de schermen bij zijn programma De Nieuws BV, maar ook bij zijn collega’s van 3FM of de KRO."
New website
Hi! And welcome on my brand new website. I'm still working on it, so if there's anything that looks weird, if links are broken or if there still are some places with weird Lorum ipsum-gibberish - you are warned! I'll upload some older blog posts now, because this part of the site looks so empty, otherwise.